Laser Tattoo Removal
Over 10 years experience with safe & complete results.
Laser Tattoo Removal
Cosmedix Clinics' Laser Tattoo Removal can be offered on all skin types and performed on all tattoo ink colours. Utilising the latest equipment that is TGA approved technology.
Cosmedix Clinics is widely recognised as the leading provider of laser tattoo removal services. Simply review our results and media coverage for yourself.
Laser has become the treatment of choice for tattoo removal for its ability to remove the tattoo pigment completely without leaving any scarring. Our clinic offers treatment with the Lutronic Q-Switched and Pico Nd:YAG Laser Systems which can remove tattoos containing black, dark/light blue, brown, purple, red and green pigments. Yellow and white inks respond less, however, subsequent treatments can usually provide improvement. During a FREE consultation we will advise on the approach most suited to your removal.
Why Cosmedix for Tattoo Removal
The team at Cosmedix is driven by one of Australia's experts in cosmetic laser technology, Robert Fam, who is a leading figure in tattoo removal techniques. He has been a Cosmetic Laser Specialist since 2007 and has operated at numerous clinics, while also training others, including doctors, on the art of cosmetic laser procedures.
In 2012, Robert was featured on Channel TEN's George Negus show to discuss the growing rate of those opting to get tattoos and the removal process.
At Cosmedix, we treat every tattoo removal procedure with care and discretion. During the consultation process, your tattoo will be assessed for a number of factors to determine the number of sessions required for complete removal and pricing. We provide an unrushed service and make sure you are comfortable throughout the procedure. We will ensure your skin is well looked after once each laser session is complete.
Cosmedix Clinics have treated thousands of individuals with all types of tattoo designs and we are confident that we can remove your unwanted tattoo successfully too.